Time is of the essence. Calling all Crypto Investors.
If you are looking for an opportunity to strike it big in crypto and are waiting for news on crypto or mainstream media to announce these opportunities—chances are… You are too late. Also, most news you do hear is on major coins or projects. The real opportunities to strike gold are passing you by.
Welcome to the golden age of DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). Decentralized currencies are revolutionizing our landscape. They are changing the way we do business, exchange, and invest. The hard part is knowing; which is the best to invest in and is it the right time to get in? Enter the Cleopatra-DAO.
Cleopatra-DAOs in a nutshell
Cleopatra-DAO is a reserve currency protocol that operates in the Avalanche Network (AVAX). This is crucial information because like Ethereum (AVAX) it uses smart contracts to support different blockchain projects. The Avalanche platform is versatile, fast, and secure—on top of all of this, it can process 4500 transactions per second.
Knowing that Cleopatra is on a reliable network is vital for investors. Cleopatra (CAT) tokens are backed by a certain amount of assets which gives them an intrinsic value of which they cannot fall below. (CAT) also rewards investors through the gamification of tokens, which allows them to either stake their tokens or in minting.
The future and sustainability
Many protocols that are being created, don’t serve a purpose and on top of this, they don’t have a long lifespan. Knowing this, Cleopatra was created to be more sustainable and long-term. Cleopatra was also created to be community involved through channels like Twitter and discord. This will allow for the exchange of ideas to further develop the protocol.
CAT Also has a limit if you choose to stake. After you un-stake the maximum amount, you will only be able to un-stake every 24 hours. This gives safety and stability to the platform.
(CAT) The most anticipated DOW of 2022
If I were to tell you that just by investing $1000 you could make $2250 within a month back, you would think that it is too good to be true. However, this is very normal with crypto. Every day new millionaires are being born through the power of leveraging cryptocurrency. There is a big benefit in holding (CAT) which you can benefit from the rise in the token price—but the biggest benefit is through staking and minting.
Skyrocket your money by leveraging CAT
One strategy to grow your money exponentially through holding the (CAT) token is by staking it. This is more of a passive and long-term strategy. You can hold your coins on the Cleopatra-DAO site and earn a rebase reward in terms of the current interest rate.
This strategy is powerful. You can leave your investment in and unstack only ½ of the return, and let compound investment work in your favor. You can DOUBLE your money in 35 Days!
If you are an active investor this might just be the strategy for you. By minting you are buying a bond in trade of your assets. The bond comes with a predetermined day of when it will sell, and a predetermined amount that you will make. Once vesting completes you are then allowed to cash your bonds of up to 40% of the rewards.
Win big with “The Lottery”
Participate in the (CAT) Lottery by purchasing 1 or more tickets. Once the last ticket is sold the proceeds are sent to the winner.
3 Golden eggs result in yield-galore!
Increase your APY on your (CAT). Simply bid on the bronze, silver, or gold egg. After 2 days the winner gets the additional APY on the egg they won for 2 days! This is a massive opportunity to rack up on yields!
Battling Inflation
Every fee charged when participating in the lottery or from the egg auction is burned. This leads to not having an overabundance of the (CAT) currency and lowering the worth of every coin. That is why even during the war the price remained stable. This is known as the deflationary system.
Doubling my money? Say no more!
If you are looking for one of the biggest opportunities of 2022, get into this early phase of Cleopatra-DAO and reap these incredible rewards, now is the time. Visit cleopatra-dao.com/#/dashboard and start investing today.