“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Buckminster Fuller
ZeOTC is bringing a much needed revolution in the OTC space, which by the way is still in its infancy. The need and demand for on-chain exchanges is growing at a rapid pace. Especially with all the insolvency news coming out currently regarding some of the top CEXs around the globe.
Decentralization is truly the way forward and with that aim in mind, ZeOTC is being brought to life.
ZeTeam has carefully thought of multiple ways to stand out from the competition and build something that will have real life uses. The goal was not just to be different, it was to be efficient and utility-driven. Keeping this goal in mind, we have built ZeOTC with the following features:
Users of ZeOTC can participate in negotiations just like they would in the real world thanks to the Counter Offers function. Allowing Counter Offers will also provide our users flexibility that other platforms might not offer.
Having the option to pay less than what is stated will only speed up transaction times and make the process quicker while also being more effective.
The crypto community has never seen anything like this before.
For an explanation of how Counter Offers will operate on ZeOTC, see the flowchart below.
ZeChat System to negotiate in real time while trading. Users will be able to negotiate Counter Offers and then settle via ZeChat. We think that employing a chat system will also help users save time because they won’t have to wait for the other users to post a Counter before speaking to them.
Public & Private Trading Options
Users can create both public and private trades on ZeOTC. Private trades will offer a seamless way of trading assets with known individuals. Users will also have the option set expiry for trades. Set an expiry for your trade and remove clutter from your dashboard. Trades will automatically close post expiry.
Seamless UI/UX
ZeTeam has produced some ground-breaking work and has placed a large emphasis on creating an intuitive, user-friendly, and highly responsive UI/UX. The team decided that putting more attention on ZeOTC’s UI/UX was important to make sure that trading Over-The-Counter is as easy as counting 1..2..3. This is necessary to dominate the market and educate new users.
If I were to compare trading on ZeOTC to anything, I’d say it’s directly comparable to real-world trading in a private room where two parties sit down, discuss, and settle the deal. That’s how easy, and how true to life it is!
I, along with the entire ZeTeam hope you will enjoy trading using ZeOTC and find it useful.
We are excited for the future and are glad to have YOU onboard. Hold tight and thank you for being a part of this long journey that we have ahead of us.
We create our own destiny.
We are unstoppable.
Resistance is futile.
We are Crypto Renegades.
Join us!
Until next time,
Marketing Director
Website: https://zevoid.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZeVoidOfficial
Medium: https://zevoid.medium.com
Telegram: https://t.me/ZeVoidEntry