The 100 Trillion Dollar asset management industry is becoming increasingly decentralized, and this is a trend that is likely to continue into the future with DeFi, Web3 and specifically Dexify at the heart of it. It is predicted that 5.2 Billion people globally will be digital wallet users by 2026, these users need asset management strategies.
Decentralized asset management is optimal because:
1 — It is more secure and less vulnerable to manipulation. (Madoff couldn’t have executed his 65 Billion dollar fraud if things were on-chain)
2 — It eliminates the need for a central authority to oversee the management of assets and provides more control to individual users.
3 — It allows for quicker transactions, more transparency, and faster dispute resolution.
4 — Decentralized asset management allows global users to access global markets without having to use the services of a central authority.
How Dexify is leveraging this and becoming a main player in the space:
Developed on the BNB (Binance) chain, Dexify makes investing in Decentralized Finance simpler, automated, and, best of all, social. With the use of vault smart contracts, Dexify enables investors to allocate their funds seamlessly to portfolio managers of their choice. These managers can be institutions, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Index Tracker portfolios and Influencer portfolios. Alongside this any digital wallet user can create a portfolio and become a Dexfund portfolio manager themselves.
With 91% of GenZ using social media to gather investment information and over 50% wanting crypto in their pension funds, social investing in DeFi will be a main player for many years to come!
Those looking for investments that could deliver returns in crypto are switching to De-Fi (Decentralized Finance) in huge numbers following the downfall of CeFi and FTX in 2022, which led to an increased popularity and user base of Dexify in a short while. Also, Dexify recently got incubated into the DPAD Finance Incubator, one of the best launchpads in the market.
Here are some of the key features of Dexify:
Focuses on investors: Unlike other platforms, Dexify focuses solely on the investors and takes measures to ensure the best possible experience for them. It’s accessible to everyone and makes investing in the De-Fi space a lot simpler.
Safer: Dexify has put in a lot of effort to identify the risk rating of the various Dexfunds and is entirely transparent with it. The information is presented to the investor, who can then make an informed choice based on the data at hand.
Higher incentives for managers: While many projects value creativity, none do it as much as Dexify. Dexify aims to bring out the best in people by providing them with a platform where they can imitate the investment strategies of market leaders who have shown consistency with respect to returns.
Seamless process: When it comes to trading and asset management, experience matters the most. And this is where Dexify beats all the other projects of similar scale by a huge margin. A lot of effort has been put into developing the platform, and every minute detail was thought out carefully beforehand. As a result, there’s a seamless UI (User Interface), quick response time, and an enjoyable process.
Dexify has, so far, had a fantastic run in the blockchain space, and experts believe it’s all set to take things to the next level. The growth rate and mass adoption amongst crypto enthusiasts and investors alike is a testament to the success of Dexify and the potential it holds. The project’s founders are well-known faces in the industry, with millions following them on various social platforms.
For those who have been looking for DeFi social asset management solution that delivers results, the search ends with Dexify, a complete solution meant for both beginners and experts. Dexify is still in the initial stages, with the Beta version currently out, and more changes could be expected in the coming days.
Join the revolution Dexify is about to create early and witness its growth from the start while securing decent returns along the way. All early users of the platform will be whitelisted for their upcoming token launch (ICO, IDO, IEO)
To find out more about Dexify, visit the official website:
Also, follow Dexify on all social and interactive channels to stay updated with the latest developments on the platforms.